Portsmouth Pumping Station Redirect and Trunk Watermain
Project background
Utilities Kingston has completed a Class Environmental Assessment (EA) to evaluate the flow direction of the Portsmouth Pumping station servicing the Portsmouth area.
The purpose of this EA study was to identify how to best support further development (through intensification) in the City of Kingston through sustainable servicing. The City’s existing sewer network is currently laid out such that wastewater flows generated in the central and east areas of the City are conveyed to the Ravensview Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and wastewater flows generated in the west area of the City are conveyed to the Cataraqui Bay WWTP. Due to a planned increase in development through the central and east area of the City, higher wastewater flows are projected to be conveyed through the central and eastern portions of the City’s wastewater network. The EA study evaluated the options and recommended the redirection of the flow from the Portsmouth Pumping Station (centrally located) to the west towards the Cataraqui Bay WWTP in order to help alleviate any potential system constraints in the central and eastern portions of the City’s wastewater network. This recommendation also provides additional opportunity to potentially reduce combined sewer overflows (CSO) within the system.
The EA study was undertaken in conjunction with the Front Road Watermain Interconnection project, a Schedule A+ undertaking. For additional information on the Front Road Watermain Interconnection project, please contact Utilities Kingston contact listed below.
Services affected
The Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (“Class EA”) process is approved under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act and allows municipalities to follow a Class EA process when undertaking municipal infrastructure projects. The Portsmouth Pumping Station Flow Direction project is being carried out as a Schedule B undertaking. The purpose of the Class EA screening process is to identify any potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed works and to plan for appropriate impact mitigation. This process includes consultation with the public, stakeholders and review agencies.
In 2013, Genivar (now WSP Canada Inc.) was retained by Utilities Kingston for completion of the Environmental Assessment, Detailed Design, Construction Administration and Commissioning for both the Portsmouth Pump Station Flow Redirection and the Front Road Watermain Interconnection.
The Environmental Assessment is now complete, please see the links to the report in the table below. The following summarizes the findings of the Environmental Assessment:
- The preferred alternative for sustainable servicing is to redirect sewage from the Portsmouth Pumping Station westerly to the Cataraqui Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant. This will allow for additional intenstification within Central Kingston as well as a reduction in bypass volumes along the Harbourfront Trunk Sewer.
- The new sewage forcemain (from the Portsmouth Pumping Station to the Cataraqui Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant) will be constructed at the same time as the large diameter trunk watermain interconnection. Sizes are to be confirmed during design.
- The alignment of the forcemain is predominantly with the municipal road right-of-way along King St West and Front Road. A variation from this is recommended in the area of Portsmouth Village where the alignment will deviate northerly along Union to Kennedy and along Kennedy to Aberdeen Park where the pipe will connect with the Pump Station.
See map in side bar.
Click to see a larger map of the preferred sanitary forcemain alignment.
- The recommended pipe work will be constructed mostly by traditional open-cut methods except in the vicinity of the Little Cataraqui Creek and CNR spur line to Invista, where tunneling will be used to minimize impacts of construction.
The Environmental Assessment File Report can be found at the links below.
Approximate Schedule for this Project: | ||||
Phase | Activity | Date | Download | |
1. Environmental Assessment | EA Report | July 30, 2015 | EA Report | |
Appendix A - Risk Management Memo | APPENDIX A | |||
Appendix B - Modeling Memo | APPENDIX B | |||
Appendix C - Natural Environment | APPENDIX C | |||
Appendix D - Geotechnical Assessment | APPENDIX D | |||
Appendix E - Utilities Engineering |
Appendix F - Traffic Analysis |
Appendix H - Heritage Impact Statement | APPENDIX H | |||
Appendix I - Public Notices | APPENDIX I | |||
Appendix J - Public Information Centre | APPENDIX J | |||
Appendix K - Comments and Responses | APPENDIX K | |||
2. Detailed Design | Detailed design of the Portsmouth Pumping Station Upgrades, new interconnecting sewage forcemain to Cataraqui Bay WWTP and new large diameter watermain interconnection. | Commencing September 2014 and ongoing | - | |
3. Construction - Staged | Tendering |
Forcemain and Watermain in the Invista Easement is complete. Linear Works split into 2 separate contracts, to be tendered in 2021, for the Front Road/King Street/Union Street/Kennedy Street Section. Section 2A from Sand Bay Lane to Country Club Drive, and Section 2B from Country Club Drive to Sir John A MacDonald Blvd. Portsmouth Sewage Pump Station - late 2022 or early 2023. |
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Construction |
Phased Construction, Forcemain and Watermain from Spring of 2021 to end of 2022, Pump Station 2022/2023 |
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Design and Construction
Detailed design of the Portsmouth Pump Station Facility will be scheduled for completion in 2022/2023 following completion of the Cataraqui Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades project.
The Linear works have been phased with the initial Phase 1, generally described as the "Cataraqui Bay WWTP Servicing - Easement", constructed in 2018.
The second phase of the Linear works has been splint into 2 parts with Phase 2A awarded to EBC Inc. in 2021. Phase 2A includes the installation of the new 1050mm watermain and 600mm sanitary sewer forcemain in the municipal Right of Way (ROW) in Front Road/King Street West from Sand Bay Lane (Front Road Bridge @ Invista) to Country Club Drive.
Update on Phase 2A - February 14, 2023
Utilities Kingston had been working with EBC Inc. on a sanitary and watermain project along King Street West and Front Road for the last year and a half. The contractor (EBC) encountered some significant challenges that they did not anticipate and they have since demobilized from the project site. Utilities Kingston is working through/reviewing documentation in anticipation of recommencing portions of the project in 2023/2024.
We recognize that the current construction has caused some traffic impacts and delays and appreciate everyone’s patience as Utilities Kingston works through some key next steps to be able to continue with this critical project. Once completed, the project will enhance Kingston’s waterfront by reducing both the volume and frequency of combined sewage overflows, increase the capacity of our sewage system for new development and enhance the delivery of potable water throughout the City. Utilities Kingston will continue to update the community as progress is made and the project reinitiated.
Phase 2B, includes King Street West, Union Street, and Kennedy Street, from Country Club Drive to Sir John A McDonald (SJAM). Phase 2B includes the new large watermain, new sewer forcemain, with replacement of gravity sewers and local watermains in the construction corridor. The City of Kingston is also reconstructing the Portsmouth Avenue and King Street West intersection to incorporate active transportation and Multi-Use Pathways. Construction will commence following implementation of the Phase 2A construction - Timing to be determined.
Additional information will be added as the design and construction phase continues.
Schedule and Project Downloads
Update February 2023 - Utilities Kingston took occupancy of the Front Road and King Street West corridor in October of 2022, and reinstated the full 4 lanes of traffic and traffic signal operations at the Sand Bay Lane and King Street West intersection (Invista entrance). The restoration works were completed by the end of December 2022.
Further updates on the project schedule will be provided as more information becomes available.
The approximate construction schedule for this project is as follows.
Linear Section - Phase 1 - Cataraqui Bay WWTP Servicing - Easement
- Construction of this phase is complete.
Linear Section - Phase 2A - Front Road & King Street West, from Sand Bay Lane to Country Club Drive - Current Construction Phase
- The Construction Contract for Phase 2A of the Linear Section(s) was awarded to EBC Inc., with construction commencement in July 2021.
Linear Section - Phase 2B - King Street West, Union Street & Kennedy Street, from Country Club Drive to Sir John A MacDonald Boulevard
- The Construction Contract for Phase 2B of the Linear Section(s) is planned to be tendered when the Phase 2A schedule is updated.
For further information please contact Utilities Kingston or the design consultant (WSP Canada Inc.) at the following addresses:
Robert McLachlan, P.Eng
Utilities Engineer
85 Lappans Lane
Kingston, ON, K7L 4X7
Office: 613-546-1181, extension 2339
Email: rmclachlan@utilitieskingston.com
Kevin Clavet, CET
Municipal Designer
1224 Gardiners Road, Suite 201
Kingston, ON K7P 0G2
Office: 613-856-0304
Email: kevin.clavet@wsp.com