If you are currently experiencing a basement flood or sewer backup…
First and foremost, be safe!
- Visit our What to do if Your Basement Floods page for a list of suggestions.
Report your basement backup.
- Call your insurance company.
- Report your backup to Utilities Kingston by using the below form, or by calling 613-546-1181.

This form is used to collect information on basement flooding. It assists Utilities Kingston with infrastructure and program planning, and we appreciate you sharing this information with us.
Any information provided to Utilities Kingston will be retained and used in confidence. The information provided is retained and used by Utilities Kingston for the purpose of review of the effect of flooding on properties and neighbourhoods. The form is not monitored for questions or requests. Please direct these to customer service at 613-546-1181 and we will be glad to assist you. By supplying this information you consent for its use for that purpose. Utilities Kingston is also subject to the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.56 and, as a result, must comply with disclosures which must be made under that statute. To learn more, review the Utilities Kingston privacy policy.
Report a basement flood
Form instructions
- All fields marked with an * must be completed.
- Please ensure all information provided is accurate.
- Clarification will be provided immediately after any field with invalid or incomplete input.