The Kingston waterfront is a clean, safe place to swim, fish or boat. But you should know about the added risk of pollution that can occur after heavy rainfall.
Our partners at KFL&A Public Health caution that lake bacteria levels are higher after heavy rainfall, and swimming is not recommended for 48 hours.
During and after heavy rainfall, sewer overflow points may discharge diluted sewage into the environment and contribute to this pollution. Utilities Kingston now provides this information on a real-time map to help you make a better-informed decision about recreational water use. Consider this information along with public health precautions.
To reduce overflows, Utilities Kingston and the City of Kingston have set a 20-year target to separate 100 per cent of the combined sewers in the municipal sewer system, by 2043. Learn more about how we're working to reduce sewer overflows.
Questions or concerns? Call customer service at 613-546-1181, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. You can also view a historical log of sewage overflows.
Consider this information for at least 48 hours after a sewer overflow has occurred at a specific location. Check the map for status updates. The legend on the map explains the symbols to look for and what they mean to water users.
Click on each CSO outfall symbol to learn more. Click on the [+] or [-] symbols to zoom in or out.
Sewer Overflow Map
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Sewer is currently overflowing
An overflow event occurred in the last 48 hours
No overflow has occurred in 48 hours
Monitor temporarily out of service
No live data available