2024 Gas Main Replacement Project
Project background
The purpose of this project is to replace certain aging infrastructure and to ensure safe and reliable distribution of natural gas to our customers. Work will involve open cut trenching to install a new gas line on Princess from the Southeast corner of Portsmouth to Hillendale Avenue.
In order to minimize traffic impacts at this key location, trenchless (no-dig) technologies will be used to at road crossings where possible. Traffic updates will be communicated through Twitter @UtilitesKngstn closer to the time of construction.
Project commencement has been delayed this year due to permitting issues. Construction will begin in September and be complete in late 2024 or early 2025 depending on weather.
Services affected
Please contact the project manager at the information shown below for more information about the project and how it may a impact your residence or business.
Design and Construction
Work will involve open cut trenching to install replacement pipe along the required routes. Generally, the trench will be located at or near the edge of the asphalt or sidewalk. As we work along the street, several driveway crossings will be required, but businesses will have access to their parking lots at all times. All roads and driveways impacted due to construction will be repaired in accordance with City of Kingston roadway standards.
Emergency services, and garbage/recycling pickup schedules will not be impacted by this work and will operate normally during construction.
If you live within the construction area, your building may require a new service line. Service replacement will only be done where required and all work including restoration of the landscaping will be done at no cost to you. Service interruptions will also be required for these replacements and Utilities Kingston will be in touch with you if such an interruption is required. All interruptions will be extremely brief, typically less than thirty-minutes, and will be coordinated with you by Utilities Kingston staff.
Schedule and Project Downloads
The approximate schedule for this project is as follows.
Approximate Schedule for this Project: | |
Activity: | Time Frame: |
Detailed design phase | Complete |
Public Information Session (Open House) | Please contact for more information |
Construction |
Construction has been completed. |
For further information or to provide comments on the Gas Main Replacement Program, or if you wish to be added to the stakeholder contact list, please contact Utilities Kingston as follows:
David Fegan, P.Eng
Utilities Engineer
85 Lappan’s Lane
Kingston, ON K7L 4X7
Office: 613-546-1181, extension 2302
Email: dfegan@utilitieskingston.com