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Days Road Sewage Pump Station Upgrades

Days Road Sewage Pump Station Upgrades

Project background

The Days Road Sewage Pump Station is the largest pumping facility in West Kingston and services approximately 80-90% of sanitary sewers in the region.  The facility is located in La Salle Park, at 419 Days Road and it pumps directly to the Cataraqui Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant, located adjacent to the Invista (former Dupont) plant on Front Road.

The Days Road Sewage Pump Station was originally constructed in the late 1950's, but received a significant upgrade to its existing size and form in 1978.  While it remains in this form and functional to this day, the facility is dated and is reaching the end of its life-cycle.  In addition to the upgrades required to address age-related issues, the Wastewater Master Plan has also identified a need to increase the capacity of the facility to meet the needs of anticipated growth in the service area.  As well, due to the effects of wet-weather on the collection system, it is possible that the age-related issues and the capacity increase may need to be complemented with an increase in storage on-site to efficiently manage wet-weather flows.

Services affected

  • Wastewater


The planning phase of the project has concluded.  

The local consulting firm of J.L. Richards and Associates Limited has been retained by Utilities Kingston to complete a Schedule B Class Environmental Assessment (EA) to review options for addressing the needs of the facility.  The options for consideration include a range from smaller upgrades contained within the existing facility and property envelope, to more significant efforts that may include a new facility and/or new property acquisition.  These will all be evaluated as options during the Environmental Assessment.  The public and stakeholders will have the opportunity to review and comment on alternatives.  

Simply due to cost, the desire is to update the electrical, mechanical and process equipment inside the existing structure and property.  However, the need for a capacity increase (larger pumps) and possibly for additional storage might make this insufficient.  This is why a broader range of options are considered during the Environmental Assessment.

During the EA the study team has identified five (5) alternatives for consideration.  These include the following options;

1) Do Nothing,

2) Provide storage in lieu of capacity and refurbish existing facility,

3) Upgrade the existing facility,

4) Construct a new facility within City-owned property adjacent to the existing facility, and;

5) Purchase land and construct a new facility across the street.

The Study Team evaluated each alternative using environmental, cultural, social, nature, technical and financial criteria and has selected a preferred alternative.  The preferred alternative is Option 4, to construct a new facility adjacent to the existing one in LaSalle Park.  Alternatives and the process of evaluation will be presented at the Public Information Centre. 

Information Presented at Public Information Centre

The Schedule B Class Environmental Assessment for this project concluded on February 1, 2019.  

Design and Construction

The design phase of the project has been completed (as of November 2020).  Governing authorities including Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) and the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority (CRCA) were engaged throughout the process to obtain regulatory approvals and ensure appropriate measures are put in place to consider and protect nearby wildlife, environment, and home owners/residents during construction.

The construction tender was issued in early fall 2020 and closed on October 21, 2020.  Bids were reviewed and the construction contract has been awarded to Peak Construction Group Ltd.

At the conclusion of the Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) phase of this project, UK held a meeting with a local residents stakeholder group to present the conceptual design of new sewage pump station.  Due to the physical distancing requirements of the COVID-19 pandemic, the project team was not able to meet with residents directly, prior to construction. A notice was distributed to nearby properties to provide further details on the project and how to reach the project team.  The notice can be downloaded at the link below.  

Pursuant to alternative four (4) listed above, the site for the new station will include a new sewage pumping station as well as an electrical services building and two backup power generators.  A three dimensional rendering can be seen below.


Schedule and Project Downloads

Environmental Assessment & Planning - 2017-2018 Complete

Detailed Design - Complete

Tendering - Complete

Construction Start - March 2021 

The memo below was distributed at the onset of construction to provide information on what to expect.


Update February 23, 2023 - Most of the equipment within the new pump station and electrical services building has been installed and testing and start-up of the new equipment will soon begin.  Completion is still expected to be summer of 2023.




Update October 18, 2022 - The new pump station building has taken shape above ground and equipment continues to be installed inside.   Delays in equipment delivery has resulted in a delay of the overall completion date by a few months, to the summer of 2023.

New Pump Station

Update July 27, 2022 - Work on the main building is progressing well and is now starting to take shape above ground and equipment is starting to be installed within the new pump station.


Update June 9, 2022 - The main building has been completed up to ground surface and work continues to complete the above ground portion of the station.  Maintenance holes and piping has been installed outside the building and some of the internal piping has been set in place inside the building structure as seen in the photos.   Intermittent rock removal can be expected over the next few weeks.



Update February 18, 2022 - Progress continues on the new pump station foundation.  Concrete is still being poured for walls and floors for the building.  Civil site work continues to install maintenance holes and piping.  Equipment is being installed in the new electrical service building.

Concrete and Reinforcing SteelImage 2

Concrete & Reinforcing Steel

Update January 17, 2022 - Progress continues on the new pump station foundation.  Concrete has been poured for walls and floors, and will continue for the next while.  Photos below show some of the progress to date.



Update September 24, 2021 - The excavation for the new pump station is  complete and work is now moving towards starting to construct the new building.  The contractor will begin to pour concrete in the coming weeks.

Update August 27, 2021 - The excavation (hole) for the new pump station is primarily complete along with the rock removal for the excavation.  Rock drilling continued this week to refine the edges of the excavation.  Drilling will continue over the next four weeks to install anchors into the rock and intermittent rock removal is expected throughout the project to install particular pipes and structures.  The photo below shows the magnitude of the excavation and rock removal required.


Update August 13, 2021 - Rock removal to be primarily complete by August 20th with some additional drilling to occur the following week to finish the excavation for the new pump station.

As of August 9, 2021 the contractor has mobilized to site and has made significant progress on site works including a new electric services building, demolition of the existing hydro transformer station, and rock removal for the construction of the new pump station.

In the coming weeks the contractor will be finishing up the excavation and rock removal for the new pump station which should be complete by August 18 providing things go as planned and the weather permits.  Additionally, the contractor will be working on other site works such as underground piping and preparing the excavation with shoring/support to begin constructing the new pump station.


For more information on the project, contact:

Utilities Kingston
Katie Morrow, P.Eng.
Utilities Engineer
85 Lappan's Lane
Kingston, ON K7L 4X7
Office: 613-546-1181, extension 2502
J.L. Richards & Associates Limited
Matthew Morkem, P.Eng.
Senior Civil Engineer
203 - 863 Princess Street
Kingston, ON K7L 5N4
Office: 613-544-1424