Utilities Kingston invites public to learn more about the proposed Kingston Regional Biosolids & Biogas Facility

Thank you to everyone who shared feedback on the proposed Kingston Regional Biosolids & Biogas Facility on March 27. Your input is important to this project. Please take our online survey (available until April 12).
Utilities Kingston invites community members to learn more about the Kingston Regional Biosolids & Biogas Facility project.
The proposed facility offers an innovative solution to combine and process biosolids from the Ravensview and Cataraqui Bay Wastewater Treatment Plants and the City’s Green Bin program to produce renewable natural gas (biogas) and other beneficial resources.
How to participate:
Join Utilities Kingston and Dillon Consulting Limited online or in-person on Wednesday, March 27 to learn more about the project, review evaluations of the design concepts, and share input on the preliminary preferred concept.
- Drop-in to the Utilities Kingston main office at 85 Lappan’s Lane between 4 and 8 p.m.
- RSVP to attend a virtual meeting from 7 to 8 p.m.
Input can also be shared in an online survey available from March 27 to April 12 on the project website: UtilitiesKingston.com/Projects/Detail/RegionalBiosolidsBiogasFacility
The Biosolids & Biogas Facility project was prompted by the need to expand solids treatment infrastructure and reduce the environmental impact of utility service delivery. Managing organic waste and producing renewables is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from operations, aligning with the City of Kingston and Utilities Kingston’s climate action goals.
The upcoming public engagement is part of a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment that involves the development and evaluation of alternative design concepts for the facility. Earlier work included a suitability assessment of the Knox Farm location in January 2023, followed by a public engagement in March.
Next steps will include reviewing community feedback from upcoming engagements, finalizing an Environmental Study Report and developing a comprehensive business plan to help determine project feasibility.
Utilities Kingston expects to make a final decision on the project’s advancement by the end of 2024.