Anytime you plan to dig, you must get a free locate of underground utility infrastructure, it's the law. Learn more from our page on Call Before You Dig.
The page you're reading now explains what our certified damage prevention technicians do when responding.
We'll respond within five business days and conduct a free underground locate of municipally-owned water, sewer, gas and electric lines and other infrastructure, as well as our fibre optics network. That one call you place will also take care of any other telecom or utility services provided by other companies in your area.
If you have any questions about this service, please contact a damage prevention technician by calling 613-546-1181, extension 2194.
Our expertise
Utilities Kingston is an industry leader, recognized for safety excellence. Our service delivery model is unique in Ontario, combining water, wastewater, gas and electrical services and a broadband fibre optics provider in one company.
Our technicians are familiar with local municipal infrastructure. Their experience, technical knowledge, and the latest radio detection technology help us provide fast and reliable service. Our multi-utility model positions us to be experts in locating all utility services, including water, sewer, gas, electric, and fibre with one call and one appointment.
Universal colour codes
When our technicians conduct your free utility locate, they will mark any Utilities Kingston-serviced underground pipes, cables and other buried infrastructure that is present. This helps to keep the infrastructure safe.
The locate colours for marking underground utility lines are universal and may be marked using a flag, stake or paint. To learn how to read locate marks, download a pamphlet from Ontario One Call .
Utilities Kingston's technicians mark underground lines for our fibre network (orange) and municipal electricity and streetlights (red), natural gas (yellow), sewer (green) and water (blue) utilities.
Some of the equipment our technicians will use when they locate underground utility lines.
Our technicians help ensure the safety and reliability of underground utility infrastructure.
Make sure you get your locate before you dig and help keep everyone safe. Call Ontario One Call at 1-800-400-2255.