Power outages: stay updated
Sometimes it’s necessary to schedule service interruptions so that we can perform system maintenance and ensure continued, reliable services to our customers. Other times, unforeseen events like weather, system damage, or accidents cause emergency utility disruptions that we can't plan for.
To help reduce the impact of these disruptions, it’s important for our customers to receive timely, accurate updates.
This web page describes how we notify you. The process is different, depending on whether the outage is planned or emergency-related, and whether it covers a wide or small area.
View Utilities Kingston service areas and search for your address. (If you require electricity service in the West or East areas of Kingston, please contact Hydro One at 1-800-434-1235).
The information on this web page is provided as a guideline and can change based on circumstances that may be out of our control. We make our best efforts to adhere to the presented guidelines.
Small area, planned power outage
Personal notification is most efficient and effective for planned outages that cover a small area.
- Our staff hand-deliver door-to-door notices at least 24 hours before the event.
- If you live in an apartment building or other complex, the notice is delivered to the superintendent or other building official.
- Sometimes power outages are planned so we can safely trim vegetation. Learn more from our web page on this topic.
- The power outage is also added to our outages map, at least 24 hours prior.
Wide area, planned power outage
For planned outages that cover a wide area it’s impractical to hand-deliver notices. Instead, we use traditional and social media and other methods of electronic communication and we strive for at least one week’s notice, as described next:
- Sign up to receive breaking city news. Our partner the City of Kingston issues notifications for planned wide area power outages in our service area via email. Sign up from their website.
- Follow @UtilitiesKingstn on Twitter and Utilities Kingston on Facebook to get up-to-date information on these and other service interruptions.
- Follow local media, as we always issue a media release in advance of these events.
- Check the City page in Tuesday's edition of the Kingston Whig Standard.
- Check the home page of www.UtilitiesKingston.com, as these events are posted in advance, prominently at this location.
- The power outage is also added to our outages map; we strive for at least one week prior.
Unplanned, emergency power outages
The outage map is your premier source of information during unplanned, emergency disruptions.
The map is updated by a control centre operator as quickly and accurately as possible, after crews have been dispatched. It will then be updated throughout the course of the outage.
While the utility aims to keep the map up-to-date, after-hours support is reduced. For this reason, map updates during evenings and weekends may take longer.
Know what to do in the event of a power emergency with information from our website.
Also follow @UtilitiesKingstn on Twitter for updates on these and other utility disruptions or call 613-546-1181 for pre-recorded information on emergency outages that we know about.
We’re making improvements
Utilities Kingston strives to continually improve its communications with customers, in particular to reduce the disruption of utility emergencies.
We are reviewing our outage communications and exploring new options, such as text and email alerts, or automated calls. Check back again soon for updates.