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Water Main Relining Completed for 2013

Water Main Relining Completed for 2013

We’re working hard to continually improve the water distribution system and are committed to improving operating efficiency while conserving treated tap water. Crews for Utilities Kingston have completed the annual work to reline two kilometers of aging water main and ensure its ongoing reliability.

The focus in 2013 was in the area of Fairway Hills Crescent, Harrow Place and portions of Wright Crescent, Riverside Drive, and Laidlaw Crescent. Areas are chosen for relining based on a risk assessment that considers the history of breaks on the main, the size of the pipe and whether road construction is planned. 

The low-dig cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP) lining technology used is less disruptive and less costly than conventional methods, and results in a joint-less, fully-structural replacement pipe located inside the existing pipe. Maintenance holes were also rehabilitated and the project will allow for improved long-term access to the water main.

This work is part of a larger effort to reduce the potential of water leaks and water main breaks in our water distribution system.

More on leaks, breaks and actions

Leaks can develop for a number of reasons such as corrosion and material defects. Over time, cracks can form in metal pipes, allowing water to leak out. Water main breaks most often occur on aging infrastructure. More recently, the industry has advanced the materials and installation practices used, so it’s less of an issue with newer infrastructure.

We’re working hard to continually improve the distribution system. Our water leak survey program, for example, involves closely monitoring system blows and actively detecting main and service leaks.

Over the last four years we have:

  • Replaced over 19 kilometres of cast-iron water mains with tough new plastic pipes less prone to leaks and bursts.
  • Structurally relined 13 kilometres of water main to create a tough new ‘pipe-within-a-pipe’ that ensures the reliability of the pipe for up to 50 additional years.