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Utilities Kingston Aces Customer Satisfaction Survey

Utilities Kingston Aces Customer Satisfaction Survey

Survey says:  91 per cent of surveyed Utilities Kingston customers say they are satisfied with the electrical services they receive from Utilities Kingston. The company received an ‘A’ on a report card used to grade utility companies across the province.

“We are proud of the work we do and the service we provide, and it is great to see that our efforts are appreciated by our customers – and that we have earned their trust,” says Jim Keech, President and CEO of Utilities Kingston. The results showed the company shines – especially when it comes to responding quickly to customer questions and concerns.

This spring, Utilities Kingston contracted UtilityPULSE, an opinion research firm, to phone more than 400 of its 27,000 customers in central Kingston and ask a few questions about its electrical services. It is one of many electric utilities in Ontario to have conducted the customer satisfaction survey, as required by the Ontario Energy Board.

In sampling theory, the sample size is large enough to represent Utilities Kingston’s customer base. In 19 cases out of 20 (95% of polls in other words), the results based on a random sample of 405 residential and commercial customers will differ by no more than ±4.87 percentage points where opinion is evenly split.


The Ontario benchmark percentages noted in the survey findings, below, show how Utilities Kingston has scored as compared to the rest of the province:

  • Credibility and trust rating – 83 per cent (Ontario benchmark 77 per cent)
  • Customer satisfaction –  91 per cent (Ontario benchmark 83 per cent)
  • Problems solved – 81 per cent (Ontario benchmark 61 per cent)
  • Provides reliable electricity – 93 per cent (Ontario benchmark 86 per cent)
  • Quickly restores power – 88 per cent (Ontario benchmark 83 per cent)
  • Operates a cost effective electricity system – 75 per cent (Ontario benchmark 62 per cent
  • Provides good value – 73 per cent (Ontario benchmark 63 per cent)
  • Report card score – ‘A’ (Ontario benchmark B+)

The survey also identified opportunities the company will focus on to better serve its customers: 

  1. Making it easier to open or close an account when a customer moves.  Utilities Kingston is improving its web-based account service and intends to have it ready for student move-out season in April 2015. 
  2. Offering time estimates for the restoration of power during unplanned power outages.  Utilities Kingston is further developing an online outage map to better inform its customers on planned and unplanned power outages and other utility disruptions.

Questions about the survey? Call 613-546-0000.