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The Bowl Has Been Raised on the City's Newest Water Tower on Innovation Drive

The Bowl Has Been Raised on the City's Newest Water Tower on Innovation Drive

The 6.2 million litre white bowl with the signature blue "Kingston" on it has been erected to a height of 30 metres – that's the bottom of the bowl, the top of the tower will be 43 metres when completed. This facility will provide water storage for residents and businesses in the east end of the City.

Once water is pumped into elevated towers, the system takes advantage of gravity. By storing the water high, the need for using pumps is reduced. When needed, potable water drains by gravity from the tower into the distribution system to be used by homes and businesses.

The bowl on the new tower took just over three hours to raise on Monday and involved using hydraulic jacks to lift it in 22 cm increments. The Innovation Drive tower is the second tank of this style built in Kingston. The first, located on Creekford Road, has a larger capacity of 6.6 million litres and sits significantly higher.

The Innovation Drive Water Tower will take the place of the Gore Road Water Tower, which will be decommissioned after the new tower is in operation (making a total of five Utilities Kingston-managed water towers in the city). The new water tower is sized to replace the water currently stored in the Gore Road Water Tower and to provide additional water to sustain current and future water needs in the east.

The Innovation Drive Water Tower is one of several infrastructure projects identified in the 2007 Water Supply Master Plan for the City of Kingston. Capital works such as these ensure safe and reliable water service to all Utilities Kingston customers.