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Saving Water is Saving Energy: World Water Day 2014

Saving Water is Saving Energy: World Water Day 2014

An international day to celebrate fresh water is held every year. World Water Day 2014 falls on March 22 and addresses the inter-linkages between water and energy. Utilities Kingston is taking to social media on March 21-22 and beyond to locally raise awareness of World Water Day. Please join us!

Did you know about the link between water and electricity consumption, and that conserving one helps conserve the other? Demand for freshwater and energy will continue to increase around the world over the coming decades.

Here's a local example. Our drinking water source is Lake Ontario. To provide safe, quality tap water to Kingstonians, the source water requires electricity for treatment. Once it becomes wastewater, it requires treating again before the resulting natural resource quality water can be put safely back into Lake Ontario. 

Please consider sharing our content from our Facebook and Twitter accounts, and help raise awareness of what's known as the water-energy nexus. We’d also love to hear from you on social media, how will you conserve on World Water Day? (Need inspiration? Check out nearly one hundred conservation tips.)

Remember, saving energy is saving water and saving water is saving energy.