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Rogers K-Rock Center - a Leader in Energy Conservation

Rogers K-Rock Center - a Leader in Energy Conservation

The City of Kingston Rogers K-Rock Center is an award-winning sports and entertainment complex and a leader in energy conservation. The Center was recently featured by the Ontario Power Authority saveONenergy program for its energy efficient building upgrades. View the video from the OPA saveONenergy website.

Facility managers worked with the Kingston Hydro saveONenergy program to recommission their building automation system, upgrade the main blower and improve lighting efficiency. The Utilities Kingston and Kingston Hydro conservation team worked hand-in-hand with the Center, from the project’s inception to post-project inspection and issuing a $15,000 incentive cheque.

The project garnered 20 per cent in energy savings for the facility and saved 600,000 kWh of electricity in 2012 alone. Your business can join Rogers K-Rock Center in saving energy and money. Contact Utilities Kingston before you start an energy or water saving project. Call 613-546-0000 and say ‘Conservation’.