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Recent snowfalls prompts winter reminders

Recent snowfalls prompts winter reminders

As the snow piles up on City streets and curbs, residents are again offered these six winter reminders: 1. Keep your gas meters clear. Utilities Kingston reminds you that your outdoor gas meter is designed to withstand winter weather, but that heavy or hard-packed snow and ice on your meter can be a safety hazard. If you suspect a problem with your gas meter equipment, call Utilities Kingston at 613-546-1181. Keep your meter clear of snow and ice; never let snow completely cover your meter; Do not shovel snow up against your meter; Take care in using a snow blower or plow near your meter; NEVER kick or hit the gas meter or its piping to break away built-up snow or ice. Use a broom to clear snow and ice from this equipment. 2. Keep fire hydrants clear to make them visible to fire fighters in case of emergency. 3. Be safe around snow plows. Drivers: Stay three car-lengths behind a snow plow to allow for a safe stopping distance. NEVER cut off a snow plow. Pedestrians: Assume the snow plow driver has NOT seen you. If you see a snow plow, move off the sidewalk and into a yard where you can be seen. Do NOT play on, or make forts or tunnels in roadside snow banks. NEVER approach a snow plow, even when it has stopped. 4. Place your garbage and recycling where it can be clearly seen and safely collected. Choose a collection area at a safe and visible ground-level location, like: the right side at the end of your driveway (as you face the street), if you do not have a driveway, place it on the boulevard closest to the curb, or, if there is no boulevard, place it on the right side at the end of your walkway. Keep a path from the road to your collectibles clear of snow and ice. Safe placement of collectibles helps avoid worker injury. 5. Do not park overnight on City streets. Parking is prohibited on City streets from 1 a.m. to 7 a.m. from Dec. 1 to March 31. This bylaw ensures that cars are kept off the streets so that snow plows can effectively respond to winter weather events. Car owners who defy the bylaw, risk receiving a fine of up to $40, or possibly having their vehicle towed. The parking prohibition remains in place until the end of March, 2009. Residents are also reminded that parking in the middle of a cul-de-sac is also prohibited at all times. 6. Clear snow and ice from sidewalks (but don't push snow on to the street). By law, business property owners or occupants of businesses which front on to public sidewalks, are required to remove any build-up of ice or snow from their roofs or sidewalks which may be hazardous to pedestrians. These businesses must remove snow and ice from sidewalks "as soon as is practicable but, in any event, not later than 12 hours after the end of the precipitation that caused the snow and ice." Businesses that do not comply could face a fine of up to $5,000. It is also illegal to move snow on to streets or sidewalks. The City's Public Works department recommends that homeowners also clear their snow within 12 hours of a snowfall as a courtesy to their neighbours.