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Ontario Clean Energy Benefit

Ontario Clean Energy Benefit

The Ontario government has announced the Ontario Clean Energy Benefit will provide customers a 10 per cent rebate on the total cost of electricity charges related to electricity consumption on their bills including HST, effective with electricity consumed January 1, 2011. This rebate will be in effect for five years until December 31, 2015. The government estimates Ontarians will be faced with a 46 per cent increase in home electricity costs over the next five years to pay for much needed electricity system upgrades. The Ontario Clean Energy Benefit will help customers face the rising cost of electricity.

Who is Eligible?

Residential, seasonal, farm and small business (general service energy-billed with less than 50 kW demand) customers will be eligible. Basically all customers eligible for the Regulated Price Plan (RPP) two-tiered prices and Time-of-Use (TOU) prices are eligible for this rebate including retailer enrolled customers and customers on spot as long as they are deemed to be RPP eligible. For more information, go to the Ministry of Energy’s website at / and select Ontario Clean Energy Benefit.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will I see the Ontario Clean Energy Benefit on my bill? Eligible customers will see the Ontario Clean Energy Benefit on their bill no later than May 1, 2011. The first bill with the Ontario Clean Energy Benefit will have a lump sum credit for the rebate calculated back to January 1, 2011. What charges are included in the Ontario Clean Energy Benefit? The Ontario Clean Energy Benefit applies a 10 per cent rebate to the following charges: Electricity, Delivery, Regulatory Charges, the Debt Retirement Charge, Provincial Benefit/Global Adjustment (if applicable) and HST. What charges are not included in the Ontario Clean Energy Benefit? The Ontario Clean Energy Benefit does not apply to late payment charges, security deposits, new connection charges, past due charges, and rental charges (e.g. sentinel light rental, pole rental, etc.). How much will I save with the Ontario Clean Energy Benefit? The Ontario Clean Energy Benefit is a 10 per cent reduction on your total electricity charges, including HST. An average residential customer using 1,000 kWh will see a reduction of about $16 a month. Where will the Ontario Clean Energy Benefit appear on my bill? It will appear as a separate line item on your bill. The line item will be called “Ontario Clean Energy Benefit (-10%)”.