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Notice of Gas Marketer Licence Application

Notice of Gas Marketer Licence Application

The Corporation of the City of Kingston has applied to the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) for renewal of its gas marketer licence. The granting of this licence would enable the City of Kingston to continue to supply system natural gas to its customers.

The OEB has issued a Notice of Application and Written Hearing (Notice of Application) regarding the application filed (OEB case no. EB-2014-0051).

The OEB’s Notice of Application is available to view and download:


The Corporation of the City of Kingston is a municipally owned gas distributor that provides only a default (non-contract) system gas commodity supply to its customers. The City owns and operates a natural gas distribution system for which the rates are fixed by the City of Kingston under the Public Utilities Act. The commodity pricing is unbundled and is adjusted quarterly to reflect the costs of providing system gas.

Utilities Kingston provides the asset management, billing, and operational services to the City of Kingston’s natural gas utility, as well as to water, wastewater, and electrical industries.

The City of Kingston’s current natural gas marketer licence, GM-2009-0051 is valid until May 24, 2014. In keeping with its past practices, the City of Kingston as a gas distributor, is seeking renewal of its gas marketer licence and the continued exemption from relevant sections of the Natural Gas Reporting and Record Keeping Requirements and of the Code of Conduct for Gas Marketers that would otherwise conflict with the City’s role as a municipally owned distributor providing default natural gas supply.