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Kingston Roads and Utilities Infrastructure Program

Kingston Roads and Utilities Infrastructure Program

In the fall of 2007, as part of the City of Kingston’s budget process, a three year (2008 – 2010) capital budget was presented to council for approval, by the Public Work Services Group of the City of Kingston and Utilities Kingston. This was the first time a detailed plan of longer than one year had been presented to council, and also the first time a multi-year budget had been approved. It is believed that an approved multi-year capital budget may have been unique for a municipality in the Province of Ontario.

As a result, all who were involved in this program are very pleased and proud to present the attached report “Kingston Roads and Utilities Infrastructure Program 2008 – 2010”. This report focuses on municipal right-of-way type projects and does not include some of the large facility type projects that were also accomplished during this time period