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Kingston Hydro Wins Conservation Award

Kingston Hydro Wins Conservation Award

On Monday, Utilities Kingston accepted the Electricity Distributors Association’s inaugural Conservation Leadership Excellence Award on behalf of Kingston Hydro. The award, sponsored by the Ontario Power Authority, recognizes that Utilities Kingston and its customers are provincial leaders in energy and water conservation.

“We are so proud to share this award with our customers who have taken action to conserve energy and water in their homes and businesses.  It’s clear they truly understand the economic and environmental benefits of cutting down on their kilowatt hours and use of treated water,” says Jim Keech, President and C.E. O. of Utilities Kingston.  He notes that conservation is the cleanest and least costly way to increase electricity system capacity while offering customers a means to reduce their bills.

Utilities Kingston’s customer focus, innovative program delivery and multi-utility structure are all credited with having contributed to the success of its conservation programs. In particular, the industry recognized Utilities Kingston’s leadership for its distributed generation connection policies, its “in-home-display” research, its new MyUtilities online customer portal and its achievement is realizing cost-effective kilowatt and kilowatt hour savings.

“Kingston Hydro couldn’t have achieved this honour without the hard work of Utilities Kingston staff and contractors who deliver different aspects of our programs for homes and businesses in Kingston.  We’re grateful for the trust our customers have shown in our utility as we’ve worked together on finding and funding conservation investments, and look forward to doing even more to save energy and water in the years to come,” says Stephen Sottile, Conservation Officer for Utilities Kingston.

Learn how to conserve even more in your home or business at:

Or, to talk to a member of Utilities Kingston’s conservation team and get one-on-one help to save energy, water, and money by calling 613-546-0000 and saying ‘conservation’.