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Keep your Gas Meter Clear

Keep your Gas Meter Clear

Utilities Kingston would like to remind its customers that it is important during the winter to keep snow and ice from building up on your gas meter. Your outdoor gas meter and equipment are designed to withstand winter weather conditions, but heavy or hard-packed snow and ice on your meter can present a safety hazard. To avoid problems:

  • Never let snow completely cover your meter.
  • Do not shovel snow up against your meter.
  • Take care in using a snow blower or plow near your meter.
  • NEVER kick or hit the gas meter or its piping to break away built-up snow or ice. Use a broom to keep your gas equipment free from snow and ice. If you feel there is a potential problem, call Utilities Kingston at 546-1181.

Why is it so important to keep your meter clear?

  • Accumulated snow places stress on your meter piping — damage to the piping can cause a gas leak.
  • Every meter has a pressure relief vent, it is important to keep this clear of snow and debris.
  • In case of emergency, emergency response crews need clear access to your meter

In the interest of your safety, we would appreciate it if you would keep the snow and ice cleared from your gas meter equipment this winter. If you see ice or snow build-up on your gas meter equipment, or suspect a problem, please call Utilities Kingston at 546-1181.