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Is Your Water Service Pipe Leaking?

Is Your Water Service Pipe Leaking?

Your private water service line brings tap water from the municipal main to your home. Depending on the decade when it was installed, it may be made of metal or plastic materials. Over time, cracks can form, allowing water to leak out of the pipe. Leaks can develop for a number of reasons such as corrosion and material defects.

Water service leaks waste a precious resource and can go undetected for months if we’re not told about them. Over time, they can leak enough to affect the supply of water to your home or cause property damage like sink holes or basement flooding. So we’re very grateful when customers let us know about leaks.

We’ve put together some information to help home owners understand water leaks and how to identify a leaky water service. Please take a few moments to review these pages and have a listen to the audio file of the noise you might hear around your water meter.