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Hydrant Program Supports Fire Protection

Hydrant Program Supports Fire Protection

Starting early in May, Utilities Kingston begins its annual fire hydrant inspection and flow rating program to help support fire protection. Residents may notice discoloured tap water or reduced water pressure. They are assured the water is still safe and should run their cold water tap until it is clear.

Flow rating requires that we open the hydrant to maximum flow. This can reduce water pressure and disturb deposits that normally occur in water mains, possibly discolouring the water that services neighbouring homes and businesses. We want residents to know that the water is still safe and they are encouraged to flush their pipes until the water is clear.

On an annual basis, all 3,200 hydrants in the municipal water distribution system are inspected and 20 per cent of the hydrants are flow rated. This year, that’s over six hundred hydrants in hydrant zones one and two (east of Division St. at Queen St. to Perth Rd.; and Burbrook Rd. to Abbey Dawn Rd.).

As part of this program, licensed water distribution operators from Utilities Kingston will inspect mechanical parts for proper operation, assess the overall condition of fire hydrants, and flush and flow rate hydrants. Once the hydrants are rated, they are marked blue, green, orange or red to let firefighters know the flow rate (in US gallons per minute) of the hydrant. 

It’s important for firefighters to have knowledge of the water supply available through a hydrant when arriving at the scene of a fire. Ensuring the water supply is ready and available helps save lives and protect homes and businesses from fire damage.

Fire hydrant inspection and flow rating will take place Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. from early May until September. Get more information about the program by visiting our page on Fire Hydrant Inspection and Flow Rating