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Gas main replacement project begins

Gas main replacement project begins

To help ensure the continued safety and reliability of the municipal gas distribution system, the 2019 project to replace gas main begins late June. This year, we will replace approximately 1,025 metres of steel gas main with new 4” and 2” polyethylene gas main on Norman Rogers Drive from Bath Road to Roden Street.  We will also replace gas main on Daly Street from Weller to Drennan.

Steel is corrosion-prone, while polyethylene is easier to maintain and repair. View a map of the 2019 project area.

Utilities Kingston will be in touch with customers if a service interruption is required. All interruptions will be extremely brief, typically less than thirty minutes, and will be coordinated and communicated to you by Utilities Kingston staff.

View our project page to learn more.

In order to minimize traffic impacts, trenchless (no-dig) technologies will be used to the greatest extent possible. Where temporary lane closures are necessary, they will be restricted to off-peak times according to direction of travel.  

Traffic updates will be communicated through Twitter @utilitieskngstn throughout the construction period.

Despite best efforts to minimize traffic impacts, some road cuts and installation within the roadway will be required and we apologize for the inconvenience.

More information

If you live or work in the area of Norman Rogers Dr. or Daly St., come learn about the 2019 gas main replacement program at our open house. The open house takes place June 5, 5-7 PM, at 85  Lappan’s Ln. 

Stay tuned for further updates from us about the project and its impacts. We’ll do our best to share information and reduce disruptions to drivers and customers. For further information, please call customer service at 613-546-0000, Monday to Friday, from 8 AM to 5 PM