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Electricity: Time-of-Use Schedules and Rates Change on May 1

Electricity: Time-of-Use Schedules and Rates Change on May 1

On May 1, both the schedule and rates for Time-of-use electricity pricing are set to change. In addition to the schedule changes that happen each May and November, the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) is adjusting electricity prices to accommodate the rising costs of electricity generation. Learn more from the OEB news release.

Kingston Hydro bills its standard supply service residential and small business customers based on Time-of-use (TOU) pricing for the electricity commodity portion of their bill. This means that customers are charged less for the electricity commodity at times when the demand for it is less. For example, you’ll save money by doing your laundry on weekends or later in the evening.

As of May 1, TOU schedules and pricing will change as follows:

PeriodSchedulePrice Change
Off-peak (the most cost effective time to use electricity) 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. weekdays, and on weekends and statutory holidays 6.7 cents/kWh (up from 6.3 cents/kWh)
Mid-peak 7 a.m. to 11 am. and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. weekdays 10.4 cents/kWh (up from 9.9 cents/kWh)
On-peak 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays 12.4 cents/kWh (up from 11.8 cents/kWh)

Time-of-use prices are rising an average of 0.5 cents per kiloWatt hour. Kingston Hydro does not profit from this increase as all amounts collected related to the electricity commodity are remitted to the Independent Electricity System Operator.

Shift your electricity use:

Did you know that customers can view how they use electricity from the My Utilities customer portal? The data is updated daily and can be used to help households shift their electricity use to times when it costs less. Customers who want to do more to save money are invited to view nearly one hundred conservation tips to help them conserve energy and water.

Related information:

For further information, we invite you to explore the following online resources provided by Utilities Kingston and Kingston Hydro: