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East Kingston Sewer Twinning PIC 2

East Kingston Sewer Twinning PIC 2

Utilities Kingston is currently working on a Class Environmental Assessment (EA) study for the River Street Pump Station Twin-Forcemain Extension and Ravensview Trunk Sewer Twinning. As this project may impact federal lands, the project team is working with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency to ensure that screening requirements under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act are met. The purpose of this Environmental Assessment is to:

  • Determine the preferred alternative for establishing a new trunk sanitary sewer to the Ravensview Wastewater Treatment Plant, including considerations for rehabilitation of the existing Ravensview Trunk Sewer
  • Determine a preferred approach and alignment for the completion of the twinned section of the River Street forcemain

The study is being conducted in accordance with the requirements for Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class EA (October 2000, as amended in 2007). Information related to Phase 1 of the Class EA, which included identification of the problem or opportunity to be addressed by the project, was presented at a Public Information Centre held on March 29th, 2011. Phase 2, which involves development of alternative solutions to address the problem or opportunity and selection of a preferred alternative, is nearing completion and is the subject of this upcoming Public Information Centre. Residents and other interested parties are invited to drop-in anytime during Public Information Centre #2 for the opportunity to:

  • Learn more about the project and the Environmental Assessment process
  • Discuss the project with Utilities Kingston and consulting team staff
  • Review and discuss the preferred approach and alignment of the trunk sanitary sewer and forcemain
  • Provide feedback on the project

Date: Wednesday, Oct 5th, 2011
Time: 5:00PM - 7:00PM
Location: La Salle Secondary School - Cafeteria - 773 Highway 15, Kingston

A detailed map of the study area and materials presented at Public Information Centre #1 are available at Utilities Kingston’s website. (East Kingston Sewer Twinning Home Page) The information presented at the Public Information Centre #2 will be available on the website after the meeting. If you wish to comment on this project or receive information, please contact one of the people listed below or send an email to Comments are welcome at any time during the study.