Sewer cross bores: call before clearing a sewer line

Natural gas lines can sometimes intersect with sewer lines beyond the outside wall of your home or building, which is known as a cross bore. In these cases, clearing a blocked sewer line with motorized or water-jetting equipment could damage the natural gas line and lead to a gas leak, creating an immediate safety risk for you and others.
When left undisturbed, cross bores do not pose a safety risk.
Before clearing a blocked sewer line, call Ontario One Call at 1-800-400-2255 to arrange a free sewer safety inspection. Your gas utility will respond within two hours and ensure you can safely clear the blockage. For more information, call customer service, Monday to Friday, from 8 AM to 4:30 PM at 613-546-1181.
Learn more about this topic from our web page on sewer cross bores or watch the brief video below.