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Conservation Targets Exceeded – Thank You

Conservation Targets Exceeded – Thank You

Utilities Kingston electricity customers have achieved exceptional conservation results from 2011-2014. They have saved 45,958,623 kWh or 123.7 per cent of Kingston Hydro’s energy-savings target. That’s enough energy to power 5,714 average homes for an entire year.

These results make Kingston Hydro one of only five Ontario electricity distributors to exceed both provincially-mandated energy and demand conservation targets.

Utilities Kingston’s management and employees, who operate the Kingston Hydro electricity system, thank their customers for helping the community become a provincially-recognized leader in electricity conservation. 

“This proves our customers are committed to conservation. We could not have accomplished such great results without the dedication of local industries and institutions, businesses, and homeowners to participate in conservation programs,” says Utilities Kingston president and CEO Jim Keech.

From 2011-2014, Kingston Hydro invested $4 million of provincial saveONenergy funding in local electricity conservation projects. This funding resulted in approximately $20 million in customer-driven energy-efficiency projects. These investments have already saved local institutions, homes and businesses at least $5.5 million in energy costs and will continue to return savings for many years to come.

Highlights of achievements:

  • Customers achieved a 7.5 MW peak-demand reduction – or 113 per cent of the utility’s 6.7 MW peak demand reduction.
  • Utilities Kingston won the 2014 Electricity Distributors’ Association Award for Conservation Leadership Excellence.
  • 450 saveONenergy Home Assistance visits were made to low-income households, providing education and significant energy efficient upgrades at no cost to participants.
  • 666 small businesses received free lighting retrofits through the saveONenergy Small Business Lighting Program.
  • 254 commercial and institutional customers received free advice and co-investment for larger energy efficiency investments through the saveONenergy Retrofit program.

Conservation makes local businesses more competitive and local homes more affordable to live in. It extends the life of critical infrastructure, helps keep energy rates lower and helps reduce the environmental impact of energy use.

“Utilities Kingston’s team of energy experts looks forward to helping our customers save more energy and money as we strive to meet new 2020 provincial conservation targets. We encourage all of our customers to get in touch. We are here to help – just call 613-546-0000 and say ‘conservation’,” says Utilities Kingston conservation officer, Stephen Sottile.