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Chlorine Smells in Drinking Water: What to Do

Chlorine Smells in Drinking Water: What to Do

The drinking water in Kingston exceeds provincial water quality standards. In accordance with regulation, Utilities Kingston adds chlorine to disinfect your water and keep it free from harmful microorganisms.  The levels of chlorine are harmless in the quantities used.

A small quantity of chlorine stays in the water after treatment to ensure that the water remains disinfected from the treatment facility to your tap. You may occasionally experience a slight smell or taste of chlorine coming from your tap water (the water is still safe). For example, when outdoor temperatures fluctuate, chlorine becomes more volatile. Other times, depending on the quality of the water supply coming from Lake Ontario, it may be necessary to adjust water treatment. This may include increasing the level of disinfectant to ensure your drinking water remains safe.

Customers can help remove the taste and smell of chlorine by following these suggestions:

  • Fill an uncovered glass pitcher with water and place it in the refrigerator. Most of the chlorine will dissipate, plus you’ll conserve water by not running your tap each time you fill a glass.
  • Bring your water to a rolling boil for five minutes and allow the water to cool.
  • Add a lemon slice or a few drops of lemon juice to a glass of drinking water.
  • Use a carbon filter.

Learn more about water quality in Kingston.