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Become a Community Lead Testing Volunteer

Become a Community Lead Testing Volunteer

The drinking water in Kingston exceeds strict water quality standards. Protecting our drinking water is a shared responsibility. While the City of Kingston owns the infrastructure and Utilities Kingston proudly operates it to a high level of standard, local businesses and residents are asked to do their part too. One way you can help protect drinking water is to volunteer in the provincially-regulated Community Lead Testing Program.

As the water leaves treatment plants, it’s regularly tested according to Ministry of the Environment standards and it’s completely lead free. However, lead can enter the water supply from old lead service lines (pipes) or lead solder in the plumbing in your home. Utilities Kingston tests the water in Kingston homes and businesses for lead every six months. We are currently seeking 25 qualified property owners interested in participating in the regular, voluntary Community Lead Testing Program.

Become a lead testing participant and help keep drinking water safe and clean

Do you own a building constructed before 1950? Or, do you live in a home built prior to 1990 that has plumbing with suspected lead solder? Please consider volunteering; contact Utilities Kingston at 613-546-0000. To complete the test, a Certified Water and Wastewater Treatment Operator with Utilities Kingston will visit your home to take water samples. If you volunteered in the past, you may also be contacted for follow-up testing.

Learn more about community lead testing