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Be Aware: Utilities Kingston does not Conduct Door-to-Door Sales

Be Aware: Utilities Kingston does not Conduct Door-to-Door Sales

Utilities Kingston has received several calls from concerned customers who have been approached at their doors. These individuals falsely represent themselves as being affiliated with Utilities Kingston in an attempt to remove or change out water heater rentals, or access furnaces and air conditioners.

We'd like to provide our customers with the following reminders. Utilities Kingston:

  • does not go door-to-door to rent water heaters and has not given permission for these companies to remove Utilities Kingston water heaters from customers’ premises.
  • is not affiliated with any door-to-door energy companies and is not partnering with anyone to replace water heater rentals, furnaces or air conditioners in the city.
  • provides efficient and reliable water heater rentals that meet safety standards and regulations. Customers have reported that these salespeople are at times aggressive and may use scare tactics such as warning that a customer’s appliance does not meet code.
  • does not go door-to-door to rent water heaters and has not given permission for these companies to remove Utilities Kingston water heaters from customer premises. It is the customer’s responsibility to contact us before allowing another company to remove a Utilities Kingston water heater. Otherwise, charges may incur.

If you are approached by a door-to-door sales person:

  • Always make sure you get a business card and look at the salesperson’s ID badge first.
  • Ask to see his/her Vendor’s City Business Licence – a requirement for door-to-door sales.
  • Carefully read any contract, disclosure statement and price comparison provided by the salesperson. Make sure the salesperson leaves you with copies of all these documents, especially your contract.
  • Remember, you always have a 10-day cooling-off period when you sign a contract in your home. Learn more from Consumer Protection Ontario. Make sure you get a copy of the contract before the salesperson leaves your house, and review it thoroughly.
  • Do not share your personal information (i.e., your gas or electricity bill) with any salesperson unless you are sure you want to sign a contract.
  • Visit Consumer Protection Ontario to learn more about your rights before you sign a contract at your door or to file a complaint.
  • You can check out a business through the Better Business Bureau.

Are you concerned about the energy efficiency of water heaters, furnaces and air conditioners? Utilities Kingston provides energy conservation programs and resources. If you are interested in saving water, energy and money, call 613-546-0000 and say ‘conservation’.

Concerned customers are encouraged to contact customer service at 613-546-0000. Information about our water heater products, pricing, agreements and more is available at