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Auditor General Releases Smart Meter Audit

Auditor General Releases Smart Meter Audit

The Auditor General of Ontario has tabled the 2014 Annual Report to the Legislature. It contains the results of 12 value-for-money audits. This included an audit of the Smart Meter Initiative, the purpose of which was to assess whether effective systems were in place to ensure that the initiative was planned, implemented and managed cost-effectively. 

As relating to the key issues raised, Utilities Kingston would like to assure customers of the following.


Utilities Kingston installed 27,000 Smart Meters for Kingston Hydro on time and within budget, as mandated by the Province and Ontario Energy Board.

Safety and reliability

Safe and reliable metering services are important to Utilities Kingston. There are no known issues with the safety and accuracy of Smart Meters in our electricity service area.

In 2009, 2010 and 2011, when Utilities Kingston installed Smart Meters, our technicians took proactive steps to ensure the continued safety of metering equipment. We continually monitor for potential issues. Read our recent news article to learn more.

In accordance with the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and Measurement Canada guidelines, every year we test a number of electricity meters in order to verify accuracy and that the meters conform to legal requirements. Learn more from our page on Your Electricity Meter: Ensuring Accuracy.

Electricity conservation

Utilities Kingston uses Smart Meter data to help its customers save energy and money. For example, the MyUtilities portal uses this data to help customers:

  • View their household consumption of electricity.
  • See how temperatures affect your electricity use and heating costs.
  • Manage costs by shifting electricity use to off-peak periods.

As well, our “Energy Insights” reports use Smart Meter data to offer selected electricity customers calculated estimates of how they are most likely using electricity to power appliances, heat or cool, and keep the lights on – and customized conservation advice, coupons and programs so they can start saving. Read our news release about this pilot program.


If you’d like more information, contact customer service at 613-546-0000.