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Alert: Aggressive Door-to-Door Water Heater Sales Tactics

Alert: Aggressive Door-to-Door Water Heater Sales Tactics

In follow-up to media advisories issued both by Utilities Kingston and the Kingston Police Force this past summer, we continue to receive complaints regarding aggressive water heater salespeople. Utilities Kingston does not use door-to-door sales, and these salespeople do not have our endorsement or approval to remove our water heater rental tanks. What to watch out for: Did the salesperson:

  • Convey that they are working for, with, or in association with Utilities Kingston?
    Utilities Kingston does not use door-to-door salespeople for this, and they do not have our approval.
  • Use scare tactics such as suggesting that your water heater is illegally hooked up, improper or poses a risk of leaking carbon monoxide?
    If you have a concern about any of these things, then please contact us.
  • Tell you that they are there to inspect the water heater due to government or City requirements or legislation?
    This is false and they do not have that authority.
  • Suggest to you that you will save money because their water heater is Energy Star rated, more efficient, or uses less energy, so you will save more on energy costs?
    Contact us – we’ll give you the facts. Energy savings are more likely only about 60 cents per month ($7.20 annually). If their rental rate is actually higher than what you pay now, and if you are required to pay installation fees at the end of their contract, it may cost you more.
  • State that their rental rate is lower than Utilities Kingston’s rate?
    This may be false – call us to find out. Some compare their before-tax rate with our after-tax rate. Also, they may offer a lower rate initially to get you to sign up, then increase it substantially thereafter.
  • Indicate that Utilities Kingston is no longer dealing with water heater rentals?
    Not true at all – in fact, we’ve been expanding.

Tips offered by the Ontario Ministry of Consumer Services:

  • Don’t sign on the spot. If the salesperson pressures you to sign on the spot, insist you need more time to read the contract, including the fine print. Also, remember that the Consumer Protection Act allows you to still cancel the contract up to 10 days after you have signed it.
  • Get it in writing. Ask about the rental fees, installation, repair and extra service charges and promises, such as warranties – and insist on getting these details in writing.
  • Ask for identification. Ask for photo identification, the name of the company the salesperson works for and to keep a copy of any sales material that the salesperson shows you.
  • Be sure before you buy. Once you agree to have a water heater installed in your home, you will have to pay some costs if you change your mind.
  • Understand your rights to cancel, as explained at Ministry of Consumer Services

- Call Utilities Kingston at 613-546-1181 extension 2285 for assistance and more information -