Information for contractors
Only contractors that are qualified and certified to do this work, and who have pre-registered with Utilities Kingston, are allowed to perform surveys and tests as part of this program. As a registered Certified Backflow Prevention Device Tester, your contact information appears on-line in our list of certified testers. This list is also included in correspondence sent to our customers.
Cross connection survey and device test forms
Download, complete, and return the following forms to document completion of a cross connection survey or the testing of a backflow prevention device. Device test reports must be submitted within 10 days of the test.
Cross Connection Control Survey Backflow Prevention Device Test Report
Surveys submitted to the CCCP must include:
- a copy of the completed survey, including existing devices (with test reports of premise isolation existing devices) and all cross connections discovered
- corrective measures
- signatures of the Tester and the owner
Contractors performing these surveys are responsible for the accuracy of the surveys and are liable for any incomplete surveys or incorrect assessments. Utilities Kingston CCCP follows the recommendation under CAN/CSA B64.10-XX (as amended) and expects the same from the Tester.
Certified tester application and renewal form
Download, complete, and return the form below to register with Utilities Kingston as a Certified Backflow Prevention Device Tester. (Both new and renewing Testers can use this form.)
Backflow Tester Application Form
Approved backflow prevention devices
Not all types and models of backflow prevention devices qualify for use in Utilities Kingston’s Cross Connection Control Program. Please review the CCCP approved backflow prevention devices.
Additional CCCP information
Device test report late fees
Late fees may apply to backflow preventer test reports that are not submitted within the time period specified in the notice letters.
Device test tags
Immediately following the testing of any premise isolating device, a Utilities Kingston Test Tag must be affixed to that device. The owner/occupants are to ensure that the tags are not removed or damaged as they contain valuable information about the device and device testers.
These tags are valid for five years from the date of installation and are available at the Utilities Kingston Service Centre, 85 Lappans Lane, Kingston, ON.
How can we help?
All survey, device test, and tester application forms may be hand delivered, faxed, or emailed to the following office.
As well, if you have any questions or concerns that are not addressed here, please contact us at:
Cross Connection Control OfficeUtilities Kingston
85 Lappans Lane
Kingston, ON K7L 4X7
613-546-1181 x2196 (phone)
613-544-9842 (fax)
or email us at Utilities Kingston CCCP