2018 Achievements
What's the context?
We've provided data on our achievements in 2018. If you're looking for additional context on how much overall infrastructure we maintain, check out our overview infographics.
Automated Work Tracking
In 2018, we implemented Workforce for ArcGIS for the Streetlight & Traffic Signal Group to receive and track work orders.
Technicians now have a history of issues and inspection reports right at their fingertips, when working in the field. It has allowed the department to go paperless, while improving tracking and analytics.
Cross-functional Collaboration
Our multi-utility model shines when employees work together to benefit our customers and community. Whether it's pitching in to assist other departments when needed, such as driving trucks for other groups during emergencies; or seeking assistance from the underground group to excavate pole holes or thaw frozen conduit - the Streetlight & Traffic Signal Group is particularly resourceful in this aspect.