Corporate Organization

Utilities Kingston is unique in Ontario, combining water, wastewater, gas and electricity services and a broadband fibre optics provider in one company under the leadership of a single CEO.

This structure enables the complex choreography of multiple work programs with our partner and shareholder, the City of Kingston, leading to the timely and cost-effective completion of the work. Along with helping to ensure that infrastructure repairs are less disruptive to residents and businesses, one of the most obvious benefits of a multi-utility structure that has all services under one roof, is cost-savings from economies of scope. We benefit from a shared services model for activities, equipment, and systems, ranging from customer care, billing, accounting, fleet and even some operational functions.

Corporate Organization Chart
Our corporate organization chart depicts the relations of ownership and management between Utilities Kingston and the City of Kingston.


Gerard Hunt

Gerard Hunt

Chief Administrative Officer, 
City of Kingston

James Keech

James A. Keech

President and Chief Executive Officer, Utilities Kingston

Nancy Taylor

Nancy Taylor

Member of the Public, Nominated by the City of Kingston

Robert Little

Robert Little

Member of the Public, Nominated by the City of Kingston

Willima Leggett

William Leggett

Member of the Public, Nominated by the City of Kingston


James A. Keech

President and Chief Executive Officer, Utilities Kingston

Nancy Taylor

Vice-President and Corporate Secretary, Utilities Kingston

Randy Murphy

Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, Utilities Kingston