Public involvement helps us engage our community in meaningful conversations as we learn to better serve our customers and support Kingston’s goal of becoming A Smart and Livable 21st Century City.

Community Engagement in 2015 Click to enlarge
Employees raised $23,277 for our United Way, building our local community. We attended 30 local events, providing 11000 products to help you save water, energy and money. We provided the water buggy at 36 local events, over 106 days, promoting quality drinking water. We hosted 50 free public tours.

Community Engagement and Public Participation

We’re part of the fabric of our community and proud to serve on these boards and memberships: 

 Through local sponsorship, we give back to the community we serve:

  • In 2015, Vincent O'hearn, an energy systems engineering technology student at St. Lawrence College, received the Kingston Hydro Scholarship for Sustainable Energy Leadership.
  • Founding sponsor of the SWITCH Sustainable Energy Awards – Kingston Hydro Conservation Award. In 2015, Kingston General Hospital received the award in recognition of its water and energy conservation accomplishments.
  • Continuing sponsor of the “Kingston Unplugged” Earth Hour concert in Market Square.
  • Sponsorship of the annual Kingston Blooms Utilities Kingston Water Smart Gardening Award. In 2015, Norma Javier won a hand-painted rain barrel for her beautiful water smart corner garden.
  • Sponsorship of a Queen’s University TEAM - a multidiscipline team from engineering, marketing and economics who looked at the value of water re-use and the development of a tool to assist in the identification of costs.

Continued improvement and innovation are our focus in these recent research partnerships. Thanks to our partners for these opportunities!

  • Evanco Environmental  to advance the use of an innovative approach to water main cleaning and relining that prevents corrosion and material build-up to improve reliability.
  • Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction (ICLR) and University of Western Ontario on their project “Lot-Side/Backwater Valve Research Project”, studying the reliability and maintenance of plumbing components.
  • Queen's University on their Natural Sciences and Research Council (NSERC) funded project “Bio-oil Recovery & CO2 Recycling by Waste Stream Enhanced Microalgal Growth & Low Energy CO2-Related Extraction” to use municipal wastewater and waste industrial heat to grow algae and produce a low carbon, greenhouse gas free fuel.


Hand painted rain barrel

Local Kingston Blooms gardener Norma Javier was awarded our hand-painted rain barrel for her beautiful water-smart corner garden.

Great Lake Water Festival

Utilities Kingston represents! Supporting the Great Lake Water Festival at Lake Ontario Park in Kingston.

CFB Kingston Commando Challenge

Supporting the United Way and having FUN at the CFB Kingston's Commando Challenge