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Utilities Kingston website

If you think your water service line is frozen

Call Utilities Kingston at 613-546-1181 immediately. Crews will respond during business hours, but that phone number is answered 24/7.

In the winter of 2015, a long deep freeze resulted in Utilities Kingston responding to nearly one hundred customers who experienced frozen water services. 

It had been 20 years since we’d experienced the problem to such an extreme (in a typical winter, we only deal with a half dozen frozen services). Meanwhile, many other municipalities across Ontario were managing the same issue.

While we worked hard to restore water to as many customers as quickly as possible, the event in 2015 helped us recognize improvements to both the process and communications. Utilities Kingston subsequently developed the Frozen Water Service Policy (WD-P-01)  in accordance with the Water By-law No. 2006-122  and it was approved by the Council of the City of Kingston in November 2015.

The purpose of this policy is to describe the general processes and responsibilities for the restoration of drinking water supply to properties where that supply has been interrupted as a result of the water service piping freezing and to prevent future occurrences at properties previously affected.

This policy also describes the responsibilities of the municipality and property owners under normal conditions and under abnormal conditions, such as frozen water services.
Frozen water services are inconvenient to home owners and tenants, and can result in property damage due to burst pipes and damaged plumbing, as well as expensive plumbing costs.

This resource helps explain the risk factors for freezing pipes and explains steps that building owners can take to help prevent this from occurring. As well, we explain the processes and responsibilities involved if your water service does freeze.
Check out the links in the above Quick links to learn more about this topic.